Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm 55; I've Been Revived

When I was three, I could perform the "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" song.

When I was four, I could position my feet behind my head.

When I was six, I could swirl my hips and send a Hula Hoop spinning.

When I was seven, I could pat my head and rub my tummy.

By the time I was 33, I had trouble doing jumping jacks.

By  35, I couldn't learn how to do the Electric Slide.

By 40, I couldn't touch my hands to the floor.

So why, at 55, do I think I can learn how to hula?

Cuz, I'm 55 
and I've been revived. 

And, nobody has told the little girl in me, whom I've recently discovered is still very much alive, that she can't.


Nobody, that is, until I took a hula class earlier this month, then my own critical voice starting blaring: "Who do you think your are? Are you crazy?" 

The first time I saw hula danced it was at the ocean's edge at the beach near my home. There was a man turned toward the horizon, his legs moving like the waves of the ocean, his hands motioning in prayer. I was mesmerized. This was nothing like the hula depicted in Elvis Presley movies

This was praise. This was prayer. This was love in liquid motion. I want to learn how to move like that! I went home and put "Learn to hula" on my "Things I Want To Do Before I Die" list.

Now, 15 months later, I'm embarking on lessons. In four months, I want to be able to hula for my hubby. Even if its only a three-minute hula. Buddy is thrilled. I am humbled. 

My Writing Sister, Salle, who also hulas, recently emailed me to ask how did I feel while dancing. I wrote back: "To my dismay my hips won't sway."


Stay tuned!



Deborah Fruchey said...

What a lovely, lively post. I have to agree with you about 55 - it takes that long to finally learn it's OK to do anything even if you can't do it perfectly.

You go, girl!

Deborah Fruchey

Anonymous said...

Hello Yaya,
The Hula! You go girl!
I love that dancing!

Also just saw your new family
photos! I hadn't seen those!
Wonderful! You all look meant to be
with those sweet smiles and kindness glowing in your faces.

You and Buddy are both 'a source and recipiants' of that love for both your families and beyond. Bless you all!


Unknown said...

Deborah: Hi my Writing Sister. Thanks for commenting. I think I should make a bumper sticker: I'm 55; I've been revived! This must be that post-menopausal zest that Margaret Mead talked about.

Jump in, Ladies. The water is fine!


Unknown said...

Dear Maggie (Mookie and FuBu's GodMommy): I know. The smiles on our parents' faces are radiant. No matter what: We are always our parents' children, and they are happy when we are happy! Buddy and I are very grateful for our families and each other. In the Spirit, YaYa

Buddy said...

My Beautiful, Beautiful YaYa,
It is I that am thrlled,honored and humbled. It fills me that you are learning this dance of love and spirituality. Wanting to bestow this gift upon me is SO incredibly endearing......SO you,
loving me.
Watching this dance performed, one can see that it is an art of movement and smooth flowing body gestures.I have read that the movements tell a story, and or represent movements of nature. How perfect the relationship of this dance, and your love of writing....... your keen awareness of nature's surroundings.
You already possess the natural beauty of a poetic body flow ......all you need is the music.
Whether it be a "three minute hula", longer or less.....this priceless gift from my radiant bride shall remain within me, heart and soul, for the entire rest of our lives together.

" Hawaiian Wedding Song "

This is the moment
I've waited for
I can hear my heart singing
Soon bells will be ringing

This is the moment
Of sweet Aloha
I will love you longer than
Promise me that you will leave
me never

Here and now dear,
All my love
I vow dear
Promise me that you will leave
me never
I will love you longer than

Pa-a ia me o-e
Ko a-lo-ha ma-ka-mea e i-po
Ka-'u ia e le-i a-e ne-i la

Now that we are one
Clouds won't hide the sun
Blue skies of Hawaii smile
On this, our wedding day
I do love you with all my heart

Thank you my Precious Love for all
that you bless me with
I Love You Without End

Unknown said...

My Dear Buddy: 'Ano'ai ke aloha. (Greetings of love.) We will have to learn the Hawaiian lyrics to the wedding song to sing in November. By the way, Salle has offered to help me learn some hula steps. She has studied the dance for 30 years! We are going to be Hula Sisters as well as Writing Sisters!

Four more months, Sweetie, and we will be life partners. Smiles, YaYa

Unknown said...

Hit the road Jack...R. charles
Comin' home baby
Ease on down the road (wiz)
Rollin down the river
Long and winding road

shall I go on???