Monday, May 4, 2009

I've Got The Flu, Boo-Hoo



Buddy said...

Awwwww,the soft froggy voice
" honey, I think I'm coming down with something, I don't feel well"
Followed by coughing from deep within,the kind that can raise havoc with your entire body, the kind that hurts.Talk about heart wrenching!
By the next day, Friday,when my YaYa and I talked, it was in full bloom.Chills,then hot, restless.
When we talked over the weekend, sometimes it sounded as if she were feeling a bit better,only for it to flare up again especially in the evening.
I truly feel I know about the term " sympathy pains "
Another thing I know is that I want so badly to be making her soup,tea with lemon,covering her up,cradling her to sleep.
There is alot to be said for the wonders of medicine, and along the same vein, there is also nothing like the age old healing properties of tender loving care.
And that you shall have sweetheart
" in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live "
Is the glass of water by the bed on the lamp table ?
I love you precious. Yours xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Buddy-La: How do you like those purple slippers? Day six and I am finally getting better. I am not nearly as congested, the wheezing has subsided. I felt like there was another person inside of me, mocking my breathing with a slow, deep, death rattle. Thanks for the fleurs, balloons,and soft baby bear. Love Ya, YaYa