Monday, April 6, 2009

YaYa's Meeting Mom

Spring Break has started and I am just as excited as my students. I do not have any tests to grade. I do not have any papers to read. I do not have any green eggs and ham to eat.

What I do have is a plane ticket for a 5-day trip to Fort Myers, Florida, to meet Buddy's mom and youngest sister,  Lisa.

 I met his two other sisters, Lynda and Judith, in February when we flew to Portland, Oregon, for a long week-end.
They were delightful, and I imagine I will be greeted with the same openness and warmth when I meet "Ms. Eli."

I'm excited. Happy Easter, everybody!


CJGallegos said...

Have fun you guys. You are the cutest couple!

Bemused Boomer said...

To a former Californian turned Seattlite, it seems patently unfair that someone who lives in sunny Santa Cruz should get to vacation in sunny Florida, while so many of us up here in the dark gulp vitamin D supplements and pray for a sunny day. But maybe not. We could, after all, remove our sorry selves from this climate.

I'm glad I found your blog. I'm looking forward to reading posts and seeing pictures of a reawakening boomer living and loving in the sunshine!

Unknown said...

Bemused Boomer: Meet CJ Gallegos. She is also a blogging boomer. I understand that boomers only compose 3 percent of the blogosphere. Hey, Ladies, let's cultivate other blooming boomer bloggers.

CJ Gallegos taught me, and I taught one other person. Let's "each one, teach one." I, for one, would like to read other boomers' accounts. Fond Regards, YaYa

salle said...

hey, I do believe I took that shot!the day I first saw your sparkle as a couple. you guys are adorable.
you bring hope to the world!

Unknown said...

Why, yes, indeedy, you did Salle.
And thanks. Its my favorite photo of us. Buddy and I used it as the cover photo on albums we sent to our families.