Monday, March 9, 2009

Help! I've Been High Jacked!

Just when I was beginning to praise modern technology some one ups and high jacks my personal email

Wasn't it just last week I confessed that technology "has provided me with the greatest amount of satisfaction and happiness I have had in my life." (Exaggeration always comes back to bite me in the butt.)

Just a few nights ago, apparently someone hacked into my email, high jacked my contact list, and sent spam to everyone on the list--in my name. (Let your guard down for one minute and...bam!)

I feel betrayed by my whole computer system. How could this have happened? More importantly, what can I do about it?

Creating a new email address is just one step in a process. Can any of my readers suggest what else I can do to protect myself in cyberspace?

There is another way to view this incident. (I look...and I must giggle.) For more than two years,  I have needed to change my personal email address because it was created by Chaz, my former husband, and the address contained letters from his name. The time had come to do something about that.

Change was afoot, but I was dragging my feet. (I feared fiddling around with my computer and its programs.)

a problem arises...
which necessitates a new address, pronto...
I figure out how to take care of the problem
(this is a big deal for a computerphobe)
and one more thing on my mile-long To-Do List is done!

Signs and Wonders!


The Opportunistic Opinionist said...

This is your cousin David living in Cleveland, Ohio. How are you? I miss you! Sorry to hear that you were "highjacked."

I am in the process of starting a blog and changing some things in my life. I would love to talk to you. I have always admired your spirit and independence and it is time for me to avail myself to resources I believe can help me. I will talk to you soon. Love ya!!

Erik said...

Protecting yourself on the Internet:

1) Have GREAT anti-virus software. (I recommend Norton.)

2) Have a couple of email addresses so you can easily default to one if one is compromised. (BTW I haven't had a virus attack in over a decade thanks to good anti-virus security.)

3) Realize that, just like the human body, viruses exist and will occasionally slip past your defenses. Part of life.

4) Don't do any transactions over the Internet unless you've specifically got a card you use only for Internet purchases - that way you can limit your losses and get them reversed because you'll know precisely where they are.

Hope this helps!

joyjoy said...

Hi -- Get a gmail account, it is searchable and sans spam. And, tell me what it is! Enjoy your blog.
Mine is at