Friday, January 9, 2009

Take the Time to Write

Do you remember the last time you penned a personal letter? Not an email, not a text message, but an old fashioned, hand-written letter, bearing a first class stamp?

Do you remember the last time you waited to receive such a letter, one identified by the penmanship and the faint scent of a loved one?

We have replaced the anticipation of a personal missive with the instantaneous receipt of an email; the sweet excitement of a message dressed in the personal style of another's script for the efficiency of a message written in multiple abbreviations.

We have lost the art of letter writing, and with it, a crucial vehicle for communicating appreciation, celebration, creativity, and love.

I am contemplating this loss of expression because I just discovered that January 8-14 is Universal Letter Writing Week.

I expected that the cynical among us might say that this event is just another transparent attempt of greedy greeting card companies to separate us from our thinning funds. But, I am not talking about buy a card that will say it for us. I'm imploring us to slow down, get a cup of tea, take out a lovely sheet of paper, an ink pen that scrolls,  and put our feelings and thoughts into words, and our words onto papier.

I'm suggesting we reinstitute time for reflection, introspection, feeling, and expression by making space in our lives for the entire intimate experience of letter-writing. This week, honor your relationship with a loved one by writing a personal letter. These days a letter is a priceless gift.


Anonymous said...

Yes I remember when I sat and hand wrote a letter, because it was to you. It had been awhile since I've had motivation to do so, and I vividly recall the words I would put on paper to you. Words flow easily when writing to your one true love, the person whom fills you, body and soul...which is what you are and what you give me. I sprayed a cotton gauze with my cologne,and was excited at the anticipation of having to wait 2 or 3 days before you received the scented letter.
In this first month of a new year with you, allow me to write once again to you from the heart.....the one which you alone hold.
Love is like magic and it always will be.
For love remains life's sweet mystery.
Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange.
And there's nothing in life that love cannot change.
Love can transform the most commonplace into beauty and splendor, sweetness and grace.
Love is the answer that everyone seeks
Love is the language that every heart speaks
Love can't be bought it is priceless and free
Love, like pure maqic
Is life's sweet mystery

I Love You My Heart xoxoxo

Levi said...

I used to write to my grandmother until she died. We wrote several times a week. I miss writing to her. I should have started a blog with my letters to her. I could still be writing letters.

Instead I post about random stuff. And we are both on the Top Blogs of Santa Cruz list so I'm passing on some info this morning.

I really enjoy your blog.