Friday, December 26, 2008

New Year, New Blog Plans

Dear Readers: As I finish this year with my 25th blog entry, I want to thank all of you for your faithful readership and insightful comments. I have enjoyed writing my life stories for you, as I knew I would. The unexpected surprise for me has been the comments that so many of you have written. You have shared deeply and thoughtfully, and I am delighted by the dialog that has begun between so many of you.

In the New Year, I hope you will share my blog address: with friends and family. In the coming year, I plan to continue to write about mental health issues, divorce recovery, creativity, spirituality, and love!

Please continue to write and even suggest blog topics. Also, if anyone wants to serve as a guest blogger, let me know.


Mimi said...

YaYa, thank you for the wonderful blogs over the past year; they were enlightening and offered an opportunity for reflection. I truly enjoyed them all.

You're a great writer and I look forward to your blogs in the upcoming year.

I would also love to serve as a guest blogger for you during 2009.

Happy New Year cuz, wishing you all the best in the year ahead.

Peace & Blessings,


(P.S., I'm first!)

Anonymous said...

count me in I'd be happy to write - thanks for all your insights.

Love, Libbie