Friday, October 24, 2008

It Is Well with My Soul

“It is in the quiet crucible
of your personal private sufferings 
that your noblest dreams are born 
and God’s greatest gifts 
are given in compensation
for what you have been through.” 
Wintley Phipps


Anonymous said...

Dear YaYa, I guess you were tired and uninspired, however i did like the prose you chose. Hey, that looks a little like a singing bowl. I could be wrong though.

CJGallegos said...

YaYa. Good thought...good vibe. Sounded inspired to me...

Mimi said...

Hello YaYa,

I must say I agree with anonymous, it does appear that perhaps you were a bit tired and uninspired, however you're entitled.

Your blog title reminds me of the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul", which has always been a favorite of mine.

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrow like sea billows role;
Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul."

Written by Horatio Gates Spafford a Chicago attorney after loosing everything that was near and dear to him.

Perhaps Peace within, is one of God's greatest gifts.

Peace & Blessings,


Anonymous said...

Dear One, the golden glowing bowl corresponds with my image of you, so it makes perfect sense to me.
I miss our weekly sharing sessions. This is my vehicle to keep close to your thoughts.
see you soon? Salle