Friday, September 19, 2008

Letter to Myself


This is a letter I wrote to myself on New Year's Eve, 2007                      

Dear YaYa:

I am sitting here looking at an envelope that holds my divorce papers, signed by Chaz, waiting my perusal and signatures. I received them this past Friday, December 28, but I just don’t want to deal
with the next tsunami of sorrow I expect when I read them, so I am putting it off for a few more days. I’d rather start the new year signing them than end this year reviewing them. One seems to have more of a promise of “possibilities” than the other.

Possibilities. I know they are hard to imagine. I can see you squinting for them in the distance; all you can make out is the mirage of your marriage…in ashes.

I just want to tell you that wherever you are in this process, it is okay.

                               It’s a zig-fu**ing-zag process:


It’s a roller coaster ride…
It’s a nightmare…
It’s anxiety-provoking…
It’s depression inducing…
It’s an opportunity to let go…
It’s an opportunity to turn it over…
It’s an electric prod…
It’s tears and nausea…
It’s recriminations…
It’s a dull ache…It’s a pit in the stomach…a knot in the throat…

It’s an opportunity to let yourself off the hook…
It’s a chance to get off life’s merry-go-round…
It’s a chance to rediscover your real rhythm and pace…
It’s a chance to learn to trust on a whole new level…
It’s a time for self-forgiveness…
It’s a time to accept the truth: you don’t know a fu**ing thing and you can’t control a fu**ing thing and we all will die…
It’s an opportunity to heal at a deeper level…
It’s an opportunity to experience Spirit’s grace.

Please do not pressure yourself to move through this at any prescribed pace. It just doesn’t work that way. You know that from other healing work you have done…and now you are learning it again…on a whole new plane.

All year, you slid between the heat of your anger and frozenness, waking up startled from nightmares of amputated limbs. But, somewhere, in an unnamed place, I am sensing a thawing. You will be all right.     
   My biggest hope is that you will reconnect with your creative self and allow her unfettered expression. Right now she is hidden, bound and gagged. But she will rise again.                                                           
Alas, you must give yourself all the time you need to heal. You will know, in a real organic kind of way, what you need and how to take care of yourself. In the meantime, rest on the prayers and well wishes of those who love you.

Happy New Year.
Love, YaYa



Mimi said...

Wow YaYa,

You can tell we're related. I too write letters to myself in times of uncertainty, emotional pain, etc.

I also have kept a diary for years called "Dear God." When events have ocurred in my life that I felt I would never be able to endure, much less survive, I would write my Dear God entries. It is amazing in retrospect how I did manage to survive.

Not only did I survive, but I came out on the other end much stronger, better and wiser for having experienced that chapter in my life.

It has also been a great reflective tool. When things get tough, I read my entries and see how far I've come and I become comfortable in the knowledge that I didn't get this far alone. God has been and always will be with me. He's in control.

So I let go and let God.

Look how your letter to yourself last December has unfolded into your reality today. You are embarking on a new journey. One that I believe will ultimately allow you to step into your greatness.

Get ready YaYa, let go and flow...

Peace and Blessings

Anonymous said...

Oh Yaya...

I haven't been in your exact spot,
but I know the feeling of isolation and vivid dreams during a similar time in my life. Your writing is crystal clear & emotionally gripping. Thanks for the reality check.

I particularly loved this line..
"It’s a time to accept the truth: you don’t know a fu**ing thing and you can’t control a fu**ing thing and we all will die…"

Even tho, I consider myself a positive & forward moving person, as you also seem to be, this line just lets it ALL OUT! feels good to do that once in a while!

I am soooo happy to witness you blossoming! And your flower is so beautiful! What kind of flower? A rare exotic, bright, (red or a similar vivid color)and wonderfully fragrant, unique and alive!

You go girl!

Plot Whisperer said...

I am so happy to hear from you!!!

Every time I water the beautiful lavender plant you gave me, how long ago now was it????, I think of you and wonder how you are.

Getting a divorce....... now I understand why i haven't heard from you for so long.

I hope you are well.

I'll add your blog to my favorites and hope you might do the same for me. We can be commenting buddies on each other's blogs........