Friday, August 8, 2008

Sit In

Seymour Seagull is occupying my seat on the beach while I visit my sister and her family in Los Angeles this week-end.

He gives a new twist to the familiar vacation sign, "gone fishing," doesn't he?


Mimi said...

Hello YaYa,

I hope you enjoyed your time away and the visit with your family.

Seymour Seagull did an excellent job in your absence. Actually, he was an exemplary example of one of your previous posts on "relaxation" and what one does to relax. We could learn something from Seymour. He certainly looks as though he doesn't have a care in the world. And he certainly does put a new twist on "gone fishing."

I look forward to your post on tommorrow. Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Hello YaYa,

How are you doing? This is Tawanda's daughter. Mimi showed me you blog site and it's pretty awesome.

I'll be checking you out from time to time.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

First Quiz Answer;

None of the above-
Life is too short to waste your time and worry about others misguided interpretations of their mind! Keep doing what you’re doing and spread the word. Maybe you can answer this question…..Is meaning always the product of interpretation?
Also, here’s another secret. . . . The ones that really care know what you’re writing about!
Take care,
p.s. your piece on New Years was extremely enlightening!