I am on a self-anointed sabbatical this summer. I taught two intense, four-week summer school classes during the month of June, and I have been off the month of July. I'm 26 days into the month and I am just beginning to get a handle on this business of rest and relaxation. Basically, I have been working at relaxing.
And you know there is something out of balance when you've got to work at it, as opposed to, let's say, flow into it.
My cats, Mookie and FuBu, look at me in amazement. "What!? You don't know how to stop, relax, chill? Fall prostrate, go limp, zone out? What kind of cat are you?"
"Nope," I confess. "There's always a voice in my head that constantly rattles off a list of chores and catastrophes that she is just barely keeping at abeyance until I get my rear in gear. Her name: Vicious Voice. She's as thin as a straight black pencil line, wears oversize red-framed glasses, and holds a To-Do list that scrolls from here into eternity. She wears a black and white horizontal striped outfit, kind of like the gear the chain gangs wore in old movies. She's a young Pat Benatar...on steroids, and she screeches at me through a megaphone. She makes me nervous. I guess I'm just a 'scaredy cat.'"
The Mooks and Foobs are asleep before I finish my story. At the first whisper of stress, they pass out. A protective measure, I'm sure. This ability explains why lions rule. They do not stress. They know how to slow their roll. They expend energy only when it's necessary; and, when it is, they act with laser-like focus, speed, efficiency, and accuracy. And once they have taken care of business, they eat, play, and nap! Domestic cats, like Mookie-Cola and FuBu-Booboos, sleep about 16 hours a day, over twice as long as their stressed out human-companions.
The next morning, I found this note taped to the cats' food bowl:
YaYa: You need to get your life back from that crazy Vicious Voice! Here's what you've got to do:
Tell her: "You are not the boss of me!"
Stre-e-e-tch out that tension.
Put your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care.
Hang Loose, Baby! And, finally, remember:

Relaxation means
releasing all concern and tension
and letting the natural order of life flow through one's being.--Donald Curtis
Thank goodness, I still have the month of August to practice!
Write and tell me what you do to relax.
Hey Ya Ya,
How do I relax?
Well today I read a book on the 1938 ascent of the Eiger. I had hoped that I would spend the day chillin but after 20 odd pages, I was so gripped that I passed-out under a heap of blankets!
In the end, I need to boil my blood at such a high temperature that I fall asleep.
Tonight, I filled my bowl up with
Soy ice cream and opened a book on the tortured life of Vincent Van
I bet I fall asleep before I get to the 'starry night' painting!
Should I get a cat?
Ya Ya, you go girl!
I can't wait until next Friday.
Mountain Man, Mookie's Uncle!
Hey YaYa,
To coin your phrase " I'm still learning to let go and flow."
Relaxation is something, I believe, was intentionally left out of the DNA of females. We always seem to have those invisible antennas out looking for the next thing we feel needs our attention.
Being a working woman, wife, mother, grandmother, and sibling there always seemed to be something, which required my attention (or so I thought).
Then one God sent day I realized the world would continue to evolve even if I gave up my job as head orchestrator. So I resigned my job as "Superwoman."
It may sound a bit selfish, but today it's about ME. I am learning to enjoy life on lifes terms, I take time to smell the roses, and I even send myself a few from time-to-time.
I love a good book and I like to write so I do both when I feel the need to unwind. I too take periodic sabbaticals; I call it my downtime for spiritual replenishment.
There's a poem called "When I am Old I Will Wear Purple" by Jenny Joseph, it is hilarious and pretty much says it all. I haven't gotten to the Red Hat part, but I'm certainly wearing purple.
Until next time YaYa...be Blessed.
I would love to know how to relax naturally. For now it's an ativan or a gin & tonic;-) A warm bath is good too.
"How beautiful it is to do nothing
and rest afterward."
Spanish Proverb
Your cats appear to be relaxation Sages. I would heed their advice. Our current guru of relaxation, one Tiger Clarke Cat, echoes the advice of your own Sages, with this additional thought - "you're at the beach. All you gotta do is walk on the beach to let go..." I think this is pretty damn wise...
Lovely writing. Loved the pictures too. You are in your music when you're doing this, imho.
Yaya........Always a good source of food for thought. Isnt it strange that our society puts far more emphasis on overt accomplishment without teaching us the value of relaxation. How can one be truly productive without the peace and calm of true recreational calming activities. As I have always told my students, especially when it comes to patterns of napping and sleep, look no further than your dog or cat.
Ya Ya,
(Do you know that song, sittin here la-la, waitin' for my ya-ya...?) Ok, I figured out how to post a comment! I love this blog entry-"slow your roll" is the best one yet. The pictures are great and your cats have great wisdom to offer.
I relax by reading or listening to a good book (or even a not-so-good book), by hanging out with friends, by going and getting my nails done. BTW, have found out that some shops have killer massage chairs so I can get a free massage for the price of just getting my nails done. Not getting dressed before noon is an essential for a day of rejuvenation. Just coffee and something good to read while in my pj's. Then some exercise, but not too much. Then a great dinner with wine and voila--I am ready to get back at it.
The best way to relax is to spend a weekend with your "Stister". You can do really cool stuff like have a spa day together, or go to lunch at a chic restaurant and giggle like you're seven!
Relaxed, though, is how I used to feel when my "Stister" told me I could roll my bed close to hers and hold her hand whenever I had nightmares. I don't know whether my Stister knew it or not, but I didn't even wait for the nightmares to come.
Getting ready for bed soon meant saying my prayers and rolling the bed over, at the same time. Then, I would flop my body onto the bed like I was taking a Nestea Plunge. Aahhhhh! I had nothin' to fear, 'cause my big Stister, in the following hours, would be right there to hold my hand.
Thanks for always bein' there, YaYa
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